In a Special Planning Programme (SPP), the City of Westmount is seeking to amend its existing Urban Planning Programme which could allow for a 25-storey building(s) next to the heritage Atwater Library in the city’s southeast sector. Westmount has published online the “Planning consultation presentation” which took place on November 14, 2024. The WHA encourages members and Westmount residents to see the public presentation and to submit their questions and comments on this important project. To do so, copy the link below into your browser and scroll down to ‘Documentation’ to see the public presentation and the link to the online form. You have until Thursday, January 9, 2025 to share questions or opinions on the proposals via the online form at this link. southeast/?mc_cid=a22098a6d5&mc_eid=70a4e6cada
There was an op-ed piece in the December 17th, 2024, Gazette by Julia Gersovitz, Peter Trent and Karin Marks critiquing the proposals by the City of Westmount consultants. To read the article, copy this link into your browser.
Héritage Montréal is also calling for redevelopment of the area around the Atwater Library in ways that respect the architecture of the building. There is a blog on its website “How to reconcile densification and heritage”. To read it, copy the link below into your browse:
The two Goode House studies commissioned by the City of Westmount during the heritage designation process for the property are now accessible from our Publications page. A link to the Goode House issue of the WHA newsletter has also been placed there. To see all three documents, go to the Publications page. (photo credit: Luce Lafontaine, Architectes, 2020)
Volume 25 Number 1
This edition of the newsletter focuses on the repurposing and transformation of the chapels of religious congregations into libraries in three educational institutions in and adjacent to Westmount.
An electronic copy is available free to members, or may be purchased for $5 from the WHA Archives.
To view previous issues of our newsletters please follow the link below.
By joining the Westmount Historical Association, you will be supporting our efforts to collect, preserve, and interpret the history of Westmount.
Annual membership provides free admission to our two lectures series on Westmount’s history and heritage, participation in walking tours of Westmount, two issues of the WHA newsletter The Westmount Historian, and access to our Archives. Please note that our membership year now corresponds with the calendar year.